Entrada destacada

Mujer salió con hombre que la contactó por redes sociales y fue violada por 4 hombres

Aceptar una invitación a salir casi resulta mortal para una mujer a quien cuatro hombres la contactaron por redes sociales en Guápiles de Limón. Ocurrió el primero de mayo, cuando a una vecina de Guácimo de Limón la contactaron para invitarla a salir. Tras varios mensajes, a la víctima la persuadieron para que saliera junto a una amiga con cuatro sujetos de apellidos Muñoz, Jiménez, Vallejos y Pérez.Se vieron en Guápiles centro y de ahí las llevaron a una casa en el barrio Las Aralias en Guácimo en donde compartieron unos tragos y uno de los sujetos obligó a una de las mujeres a consumir drogas para luego violarla.Según un informe de la fiscalía de Pococí:" Los imputados mantuvieron a la mujer en la vivienda por al menos dos días, luego la habrían trasladado a otra casa cercana, donde se encontraban los otros dos sospechosos.  En apariencia, ahí otro de ellos violó a la ofendida"Las autoridades recuerdan que los contactos que se realicen por redes ...


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Raising and caring for children is not an easy matter; Requires attention and great caution. Every day new things are learned and all babies are different, so advice can not always be followed.

Pamela Rauseo is a Florida woman who must have lived one of those motherly experiences that no one wants to experience.

They left her taking care of her nephew, she decided to go to the park to distract herself and to waste energy to get the night to sleep.

Pamela was not a mother yet, the closest was this nephew who loved very much, was his life. He learned every day from him and from what his sister did to take care of him.

In the park played in the sand and attractions, Sebastian was smiling and happy.

Back home Pamela was distracted, but she could not help but notice that Sebastian simply could not stop crying and the crying was worse every time.

Pamela had to stop to pay more attention to the child, who was already purple by that time. The baby was a bit cold and did not know what he could do to save the life of his little angel.

Pamela tried to call in emergencies, but her nerves did not allow her to use her phone properly, anguish killed her. His nephew was going to die.

Some policemen saw the scene and they stopped to see what happened; Both took turns breathing the baby, who managed to breathe only after a few minutes.

The doctors then determined that the cause of the respiratory problem was due to the fact that Sebastian's flu had not expelled mucus from his nose, which eventually hindered his breathing.

Yes, the baby almost died because his snot was not shaken. Incredible but true; That's why mothers always shake the mucus from their children's noses so they should wipe their pants or their favorite blouse.

There are things that only the mother understands.
