Entrada destacada

Mujer salió con hombre que la contactó por redes sociales y fue violada por 4 hombres

Aceptar una invitación a salir casi resulta mortal para una mujer a quien cuatro hombres la contactaron por redes sociales en Guápiles de Limón. Ocurrió el primero de mayo, cuando a una vecina de Guácimo de Limón la contactaron para invitarla a salir. Tras varios mensajes, a la víctima la persuadieron para que saliera junto a una amiga con cuatro sujetos de apellidos Muñoz, Jiménez, Vallejos y Pérez.Se vieron en Guápiles centro y de ahí las llevaron a una casa en el barrio Las Aralias en Guácimo en donde compartieron unos tragos y uno de los sujetos obligó a una de las mujeres a consumir drogas para luego violarla.Según un informe de la fiscalía de Pococí:" Los imputados mantuvieron a la mujer en la vivienda por al menos dos días, luego la habrían trasladado a otra casa cercana, donde se encontraban los otros dos sospechosos.  En apariencia, ahí otro de ellos violó a la ofendida"Las autoridades recuerdan que los contactos que se realicen por redes ...


ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity. It is a disorder of neurobiological origin originating in childhood that implies a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity, 12 and that in many occasions is associated with other comorbid disorders.

It is fundamental for the diagnosis of ADHD to evaluate that these nuclear symptoms that we have discussed (attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity) are presented:

From an early age: before 12 years.

With an intensity and frequency higher than normal for the child's age and stage of development.

That significantly deteriorate or interfere with the child's performance in two or more of the areas of his / her life: school, work, family and social life. 1-2

Not be caused by another medical problem, a poison, a drug, or another psychiatric problem.

Although there may be clinical suspicion in children under 6 years of age the diagnosis of ADHD must have exceeded this age. In addition, ADHD is often recognized in children when primary school begins, coinciding with difficulties in school performance and the presentation of social dysfunctions.

Different presentations

The core symptoms of ADHD are independent of each other. Not all children with the disorder exhibit the same symptoms or with the same intensity. That is to say that a child with ADHD can manifest only one of these three symptoms.

Of the diversity of manifestations of ADHD, three presentations differ according to the DSM-5 Manual Diagnostic and statistical of the mental disorders.

Prevalence of ADHD

The prevalence of a disorder refers to the frequency of presentation of this disorder in the general population.

ADHD is one of the most common childhood psychiatric disorders, standing above others, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Because the diagnosis is based on clinical criteria and may vary over time, the data will fluctuate according to: the diagnostic criteria, the method of evaluation, the type of sample, the sources of information used, and the sociocultural characteristics Of the evaluated population