Entrada destacada

Mujer salió con hombre que la contactó por redes sociales y fue violada por 4 hombres

Aceptar una invitación a salir casi resulta mortal para una mujer a quien cuatro hombres la contactaron por redes sociales en Guápiles de Limón. Ocurrió el primero de mayo, cuando a una vecina de Guácimo de Limón la contactaron para invitarla a salir. Tras varios mensajes, a la víctima la persuadieron para que saliera junto a una amiga con cuatro sujetos de apellidos Muñoz, Jiménez, Vallejos y Pérez.Se vieron en Guápiles centro y de ahí las llevaron a una casa en el barrio Las Aralias en Guácimo en donde compartieron unos tragos y uno de los sujetos obligó a una de las mujeres a consumir drogas para luego violarla.Según un informe de la fiscalía de Pococí:" Los imputados mantuvieron a la mujer en la vivienda por al menos dos días, luego la habrían trasladado a otra casa cercana, donde se encontraban los otros dos sospechosos.  En apariencia, ahí otro de ellos violó a la ofendida"Las autoridades recuerdan que los contactos que se realicen por redes ...

A French fitness blogger dies making whipped cream

dispenser that was cooking was faulty and exploded, hitting him in the chest

Rebecca Burger, a 33 year old blogger well known in the world of fitness and social networks, has died from injuries that caused it the explosion of a siphon of kitchen that was preparing whipped cream. His family announced in social networks what happened and warned of the risk of using faulty dispensers, it is not the first time that it happens in France.

Rebecca Burger was assiduously to promote the importance of physical exercise in various social networks. Through its publications, especially Instagram, promoting fitness and healthy eating through images of healthy dishes.

The young woman was at home preparing a cream when the top of the dispenser, which the manufacturer had tried to remove from the market, not endured the pressure and exploded, causing a very strong blow on the chest which led him to death.

Rebecca Instagram Burger announced the cause of death. Event that qualify as a "domestic incident", since the trap "exploded and hit the chest, Rebecca," causing his death. They also warned of the risk of these defective dispensers that remain in circulation.

According to the French authorities, the blogger died shortly after the accident that caused him serious injury, which caused him a heart attack. The local police have opened an investigation to determine the definitive causes of the death of the young.

The Institute national consumption (INC), French public body, had already warned of the risk of using this type of traps for the ArdTime brand. The danger is that plastic head is not strong enough and does not support the carbon dioxide pressure in the container body and can reach exploit.

Not the first time that similar incidents occur. In 2014, similar cases in the Hauts de Seine region, originated in the West of Paris, but there were no casualties. In the same way, the past May 24 a Cook working in a restaurant in Madrid injured because broke out you a siphon of nitrogen.

creditos: EL PAIS