Entrada destacada

Mujer salió con hombre que la contactó por redes sociales y fue violada por 4 hombres

Aceptar una invitación a salir casi resulta mortal para una mujer a quien cuatro hombres la contactaron por redes sociales en Guápiles de Limón. Ocurrió el primero de mayo, cuando a una vecina de Guácimo de Limón la contactaron para invitarla a salir. Tras varios mensajes, a la víctima la persuadieron para que saliera junto a una amiga con cuatro sujetos de apellidos Muñoz, Jiménez, Vallejos y Pérez.Se vieron en Guápiles centro y de ahí las llevaron a una casa en el barrio Las Aralias en Guácimo en donde compartieron unos tragos y uno de los sujetos obligó a una de las mujeres a consumir drogas para luego violarla.Según un informe de la fiscalía de Pococí:" Los imputados mantuvieron a la mujer en la vivienda por al menos dos días, luego la habrían trasladado a otra casa cercana, donde se encontraban los otros dos sospechosos.  En apariencia, ahí otro de ellos violó a la ofendida"Las autoridades recuerdan que los contactos que se realicen por redes ...


Hello !!

I am a child with ADHD and I can call myself Pablo, Juan, Angel, José, Andrea, Luis, Mia. My name does not matter.

I am a normal looking child with normal intelligence and yet I have problems.

If you allow me, I would like to lend you my shoes so that, for a moment, walk with them and feel the same as I feel.

To my doubts as a child: who I am, what I want, where I go, the anguish and the uneasiness of not understanding why I am as I am.

I've spent a lot of time thinking (actually, I've been made to think) that I'm vague, bad person, dumb and even worse; Believing that my parents do not love me like my other siblings because I'm all those things and feeling that my teachers hate me for the same. I wonder, why still striving, I am not able to get the same as the others. I know it does not look like it, but I work hard, even if the results are not very satisfactory.

I feel so disappointed that sometimes I have even thought that nothing is worth it. When my parents at home, desperate because I am not able to finish the tasks or it seems that I hesitate or I have everything made a mess, they quarrel and punish me, I cry. I cry for myself and I cry for them.

When my teachers, also desperate because I do not carry all the books, or do not copy all the duties or interrupt the class, they quarrel and punish me, I cry. I cry for myself and I cry for them.

When in the park or in the schoolyard I am separated from the groups of games; When they do not take me on a trip with the rest of my companions; When I hear comments about me as if I were not; When my mama hears them and I look at her face, I cry.

So I grow, hurt inside, angry with the world. Feeling the same disappointment, the same boredom and feeling of failure that those around me feel, feeling that I am nothing, that I am worthless. I did not like it very much.

Living with me is hard. I know because I am with me 24 hours a day, every day, without understanding why I am so and why, sometimes, I do what I do although I do not want to do it. I try to apologize, but without success, because the apology ends in an uncontrollable cry, an unbearable tantrum or a few sentences with little sense.

How lonely!

However, I am not bad, not stupid, not vague, not scoundrel. I have been told that I have ADHD and that helps me to know myself better, to love me a little more, because now I know what happens to me. I'm just different, and that gives me hope.

I understand that there are worse situations than mine, that I am not the only one who has needs but I have them and I would like to express my apologies and thanks.

But first, I'd like to start by asking you for the things I think I need.

To my family. May I accept what I have. Let them be aware that their effort as potatoes will be greater than that of other potatoes. Learn what ADHD is. Seek information and support. Please do not understand my disorder as a safe-conduct to justify all my attitudes, so do not help me.

To my teachers. To accompany me in the difficult task of learning and to facilitate it, because I want to learn, only that sometimes I can not. I do not ask you to be soft, I just ask you to be fair with my characteristics.

To my parents and teachers. Make them a team. Do not judge one another and least of all in my presence. Do not send me conflicting messages because then I will not know the way.

To the educational system. That I provide my teachers with the necessary resources for my training and establish a protocol of attention to my needs so that they know what and how to do when they find me in their classes. If they do not set common guidelines, whoever my teacher is, whatever my course, my academic life can become a roller coaster and I will have many chances of failure.

To the health system. Make it serious in your diagnostic criteria and you do not have to go from consultation to consultation to know what happens to me. That I become aware of the economic cost to my family of medication and provide me with a good psychotherapeutic attention in which I learn to manage my traits. I do not want to take pills because yes. When my diagnosis is good and clear, it prevents others from questioning it and makes it easier for us all to know what we can do.

To the society in general. That is informed and sensitized. If you judge me, if you judge my family from ignorance, you isolate us. To all in general. I just ask that you give me a chance.

And now the apologies to my parents and brothers for having been the cause of so many headaches.

Now I know that I have always been loved even though I have not been an easy child, but I am learning to be. I try with all my strength and I love you very much.
For the potatoes of my companions, friends to my family in general, uncles, cousins, brothers, if I ever did something that would hurt them or hurt me wholeheartedly, because sometimes I do not think what I do and I hurt others with my courage , Anger and my impulses.

To my teachers for making them feel that I was challenging them; Which made them appear in front of the whole class. I am trying to be a better student, I try with all my strength and respect them because now I understand that what you teach me today depends on my tomorrow. I may not always get it but I will not stop trying.

And my sincere thanks:

Those who still do not understand it try it and those who try it and can not. To those who strive to teach me in the way I am able to learn.

To all researchers who care about knowing more and better what happens to me.

To associations working on behalf of people with ADHD. To the institutions that, despite the crisis and the budget cuts, keep a little bit for me.

To all those who still doubt me disorder, those who hide behind the system, those who reject me because I am a burden, those who do not let me be their friend because I am annoying. To all of you thank you, because I hope that your look will be broader, more comprehensive and from today you will be there when you need them ...

Millions of thanks to my family and friends, who have learned to teach me, correct me and love me as I am. I appreciate your presence, have listened to my words, and have allowed me to show myself inside.

Today there are many people who help me overcome my ADHD, they are with me and I am glad of your company, because today, with you, I feel less alone.
And now, please, give me back my shoes.


Créditos Facebook.com